If you are reading this, I have died. I knew you were never a killer. The deaths did not make sense. I transcribed the symbols and runes from the bodies at the end of this letter should you wish to research further.
ASCII and substitution
More importantly, I discovered the truth. In my spare time, I investigated your death. The wounds of those dead have magical residue on the symbols, while the cuts could only have been made by a particular blade found only with the King’s Guard. ^4789eb
I gave this information to a private investigator. But I soon found myself followed instead. I tried to find a match for the magical residue. But I must have contaminated the sample, because it seems the residue just matches my own. ^05e4ea
I am certain that the king ordered these deaths and framed you for it. I am also certain someone is downstairs. I write my final words in code that I am sure you are intelligent enough to understand one day. And hopefully you can find freedom and truth where I could not.0|107|97|109|101|107|0
8efba4cb20efcccc2b96bec9f9f7df802849cc255bfe57770b040d4d78de4be739ca84978e900aecfd8724f089341497def0f231353e5671 44233e6e42897e69
How odd. … as the fear fills my heart, some of these symbols begin to make sen…
Find ------- and you will know the truth.
You’ve seen and studied runes before, and having such a knowledge of languages, you recognize these runes as much more ancient than any language rune you’ve seen. Even when you’ve studied runes in languages you don’t know as well, these predate them. You could almost call them “common ancestor” runes, reflective of a proto-language.
You can recognize that these runes seem to be a proto-language rune set that reflects upon magical ability.
These runes that Kamek drew are NOT the ones that were on the bodies. In fact, because you studied this letter so much, you can actually tell that it’s like he drew the actual runes from the bodies, then cleared that ink but traced over certain parts of those runes.
Because these runes look SO archaic, you almost wonder if they were formed from The Weave itself. That would imply a level of powerful magic that might be out of your wheelhouse, even if you reached your full potential as a wizard.
Elin explains that the runes are archaic, and seem to have been formed when Moyie was formed. Could each of these represent one of the regions?