
Create an interface between an LLM and a set of tools

LLMs can act as a user interface between our users and our algorithms.

  • Large Language Models

Create a custom LlamaIndex loader for Google Calendar

Create a custom loader for LlamaIndex to pull and process more data from Google Calendar's API.

  • Python
  • LlamaIndex

Enable logging with LlamaIndex

Use these lines of code to enable logging while running LlamaIndex.

  • LlamaIndex

Configure LlamaIndex to read from Google Calendar

Using data loaders, we can give LlamaIndex access to a Google Calendar to gain information about schedules and events.

  • LlamaIndex
  • Large Language Models

Change the model used by LlamaIndex

The steps necessary to let LlamaIndex use a different Large Language Model than text-davinci-003.

  • LlamaIndex
  • Large Language Models

What is LlamaIndex?

A quick breakdown of LlamaIndex, an open-source tool for working with Large Language Models.

  • LlamaIndex
  • Large Language Models

Photo restoration using Lama-cleaner

Lama cleaner, an open-source project, allows for quick erasure of blemishes and objects in photos, making it great to use for photograph restoration.

  • Family history
  • Photo restoration


A magic weapon for Dungeons and Dragons that proves that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Homebrew

The Seamstress

Meet the Seamstress, a card from the Tarnish deck, a Tarot-like deck I'm creating for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Homebrew

ASCII Text in ChatGPT with a virtual machine

ChatGPT is horrible at writing ASCII text and drawing ASCII art. But can we trick it into performing better if it thinks it's a Linux computer?

  • ChatGPT

Improving the DnD Constitution attribute

The Constitution attribute is mightily under-used; it's the only attribute without related skills! Can we make it better?

  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • TTRPGs

Retrieve the timezone from a JavaScript date

Learn how to extract and display the timezone from a JavaScript date object.

  • JavaScript

Making a state machine in TypeScript

Learn to code your own state machine in TypeScript to cleanly handle application state.

  • TypeScript
  • Finite State Machines

Typeguards and Closures in TypeScript

Discover a tricky gotcha when using typeguards in TypeScript.

  • TypeScript

Finding the coordinates of an element in a 2D array

A method for finding the coordinates of an element in a 2-dimensional array.

  • Algorithms
  • Typescript

HTML Entities from the Twitter v2 API

Work with HTML entities from a 3rd party API.

  • Twitter
  • HTML entities

Encoding QR codes in Braille characters

An experiment in transmitting QR codes visually over a text-only medium using Braille characters.

  • QR codes

Cracking a Captcha with Tesseract.js

Using Tesseract.js and optical character recognition (OCR) to solve a captcha.

  • Node.js
  • Automation

A Study in Poisson - Naive Dart Throwing

Learn about the most basic algorithm for generating poisson disk distributions.

  • Algorithms

The Difference Between apt and apt-get

A quick review of the difference between the two install tools for Debian.

  • Bash

Creating a CircleCI Orb

Create a CircleCI orb using the new orb development kit.

  • Circle CI

Avoid Losing Errors in a Bash Pipe

Pass error codes through a bash pipe to when chaining commands.

  • Bash

Switch Audio Outputs with a Hotkey

Create a shell script to switch audio output devices on Linux systems.

  • Bash

Versions and Aliases in AWS Lambda

Create versions and aliases of Lambda functions in order to test your changes in different environments or stages without affection your live production code.

  • AWS
  • Lambda

Adjust AWS Cron Events for Daylight Savings Time

Adjust AWS Cron Events using Lambda to minimize Daylight Savings Time's effects on your services.

  • AWS
  • Lambda
  • Python

Error Handling in API Gateway with AWS Lambda and Node.js

Learn how to set up error codes in API Gateway when working with Lambda functions written in Node.js.

  • AWS
  • Node.js