SeptemBIT 2021

A daily pixel art challenge using a limited color palette.

Posted: October 30, 2021
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The pixel artist @Saultoons hosts a yearly pixel art challenge on Twitter each September. He provides a color palette and daily prompts. I’ve been wanting to learn to draw for a while, and I figured that pixel art would be a nice way to jump in! I didn’t make it all the way through the month, but I’m rather proud of what I was able to accomplish.

Check out the art I was able to produce!

Pixel drawing of weapon weapon
Pixel drawing of shield shield
Pixel drawing of clothing clothing
Pixel drawing of map map
Pixel drawing of potion potion
Pixel drawing of bag bag
Pixel drawing of torch torch
Pixel drawing of pet pet
Pixel drawing of bard bard
Pixel drawing of tankard tankard
Pixel drawing of food food
Pixel drawing of NPC NPC
Pixel drawing of mushroom mushroom
Pixel drawing of slime slime
Pixel drawing of fairy fairy
Pixel drawing of portal portal
Pixel drawing of rat rat
Pixel drawing of skeleton skeleton
Pixel drawing of goblin goblin
Pixel drawing of orc orc
Pixel drawing of eye eye
Pixel drawing of trap trap
Pixel drawing of chest chest
Pixel drawing of treasure treasure
Pixel drawing of boss key boss key
Pixel drawing of warrior warrior


As a beginner, I found Asesprite to be very approachable and easy to jump into. It’s available for all operating systems, which was a huge plus. When I was away from my computer and wanted to draw on my phone, I used the Android app Pixel Studio.