Quests and Questions

Notes for the Under-Wilds campaign.

Posted: July 10, 2022
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  • [x] deliver gifts to Janice
    • Sigfreud - black box - gilded flower
    • Rio - blue box - life savings (3 gold)
    • Lanton - red box - (bag of holding)
    • Dynos - orange box - love letter
    • Nero - green box - potion of superior charm
  • [x] ask about the Utopian necklaces
  • [x] Look for The Cartographer to get a map of the Under-Wilds.
  • [x] Find out where Utopia is



  • [x] cast Lesser restoration on Loxam
  • [x] Get map from Carter
  • [ ] defeat hags in the forest



  • [ ] Free Azi from prison
  • [ ] there is a science lab in the prison district that Sarita knows about

Hot Pot



  • [ ] Clear Kabel’s name
  • [x] Decode Kamek’s letter
  • [ ] make a copy of Kabel’s spellbook
  • [ ] find a strong material (like platinum or adamantium) to make a dagger
  • [ ] Obtain spellcasting material components
    • [ ] tiny bell, silver wire, powdered iron - smith shop or craft shop
    • [ ] hot pepper - in the wild, but more likely a kitchen or market
    • [x] mistletoe and sprig - wintry area
    • [ ] brimstone, bead of niter, sulfur, and pine tar - apothecary
    • [ ] small crystal bead - craft shop


  • [ ] Find out why Artair died a “while” back, even though revenants are supposed to resurrect soon after their deaths
  • [x] investigate Artair’s ring again
  • [ ] Find Myrkul’s gems
    • [ ] find someone smart and knowledgeable in powerful ancient magic
    • [ ] find someone who is religious and might know about Myrkul


  • [ ] Find out why Janice doesn’t know where she’s from


Tasks information

Clear Kabel’s name

Decode Kamek’s letter

Kamek’s Letter

  • The King’s Guard have some special weapons. It seems that one of those weapons was used to kill Kabel Lemonk's students.
  • The king himself seems to have been behind the murders and framing Kabel. Why? Was Kabel targeted, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
  • Magical residue is as unique as a fingerprint. Kamek’s Letter#^05e4ea
  • The symbols at the bottom of the letter are ancient, and may be related to The Weave.